Audi 7-speed DSG Transmission – 0B5 – Sensor Module Replacement
Top Tips: Audi 7-speed DSG Transmission – 0B5 – Sensor Module Replacement
Please refer to Audi TPI 2027068/15
Typical DTCs – Fault Codes – are:
Also, in combination:
Warning shown on the dash:
“Gearbox malfunction: you can continue driving”
Following this TPI is a big job. No two ways about it. It is a slog and a fight at times. Access to some nuts/bolts/fittings/fixings is VERY tight. Add to that the corrosion factor of exhaust nuts: stress and frustration levels can rise quite high.
The job involves transmission removal and then splitting it into 3 separate sections to replace the sensor module.
It IS heavy. Once off, loosening the side shaft bolt required 4 people when we did the job.
The sensor module is bought as 2 separate parts: the sensor module itself and a section of wiring loom. Don’t skimp, buy them both. Genuine, obviously.
Email us for part numbers if required. TPS know all about this job though and will know what you want.
Special Tools for Sensor Module replacement on 0B5 transmission:
Just 2 essentials really:
I borrowed the clutch puller from a buddy and bought the side shaft tools from Amazon. The clutch puller is available from Amazon and a bit of common sense DIY input though.
Top Tips:
I had too much information on this job and almost confused myself with all the info sources: Audi factory info and a good few YouTube videos. My advice is to watch the YouTube stuff to get a good overview – at home – and then follow the factory instructions only to do the job.
Top Tips – Golden Nuggets:
Mechatronics Electronics link:
Videos I watched. There are plenty on YouTube. These are 2 that I watched…
Audi Tech Data:
Good luck! Go smash it!!!
Give Tony Fowkes Automobiles a call on 020 8965 5014 or contact us online.